Friday 17 May 2024

More than a friend?

 More than a friend?

I can give my world;

For his kiss:

Which for one is,

So full of love;

I can give my world;

For his high brow:

Which for one is,

The most i crave;

I can give my world;

For talking to him:

And pour all of my,

Soul unto him;

I can give my world;

For being silent, with him:

As he reads through all,

The words that is not said;

I can give my world;

For him, as I can 

Feel our hearts,

Singing, the same tunes;

I can give my world;

Just for him:

For such a bond,

Is very rare!

I can give my world;

As we are opposites:

Able to compliment,

Each other, so well!

I don’t have uncanny dreams;

But i do,

Call him my soul mate;

And then there is him;

Who wants to,

Happily look away - and

Call me, more than a friend!

More than a friend?

May be thats why the saying,

Men will always be men 😜

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