Sunday 19 August 2018

The Aching Irony

The Aching Irony

The Ache that transcends,
Is so deep for the words;
When the love is so real,
Yet Surreal!

Oh, Not sure; How it is so;
But very sure, it's there for true.

The fear of the pain after,
Wants me to keep it virtual.
Yet, the deepflooded emotions,
Makes me crave for the real.

Yet again; it's worse.
Nothing is real, if kept virtual.
But no identity; if made real!

Never can I claim,
For what I do not own;
Nor can I hint,
On how much I owe;

Oh! Such a beautiful one it is;
Yet so absurd ;

I stand by the truth.
Oh God! May it be the truth.